by fidelis | Oct 7, 2019 | Business advice, Online marketing, SEO, Social Media Marketing
Marketing for Small, Local Business Marketing for the modern day is a tough call. Today’s market is really savvy and has long since learned to question things they’re told, especially in commercial advertisements. If you want to really attract an audience, you want...
by fidelis | Aug 2, 2019 | Online marketing, SEO
Tools of the Trade It’s no good having a website if nobody can find it. That’s why Google provides businesses with many tools they can use to improve their performance in search engines. Through Google My Business, you have so many assets at your fingertips. They’re...
by fidelis | Mar 14, 2019 | Internet Marketing News, Online marketing, Reputation Marketing, Social Media Marketing
I saw overturned cars, plumes of smoke in the distance. A woman lay on the curb asking for Candy Crush Hearts. It was madness. — Michael Suibhne (@okmass) Yesterday (3/13/2019), Facebook and its associated properties – Instagram and Whatsapp – went down...
by fidelis | Feb 18, 2019 | Online marketing, Social Media Marketing
The Rise of Social Media If you’d asked 15 years ago what role social media would play in my life, I probably would’ve said, “What’s social media?” It’s amazing how quickly social media has gone from not existing to playing a major role in our lives. It’s...
by fidelis | Aug 22, 2018 | Internet Marketing News, Review Management, Social Media Marketing
How Facebook Recommendations Will Affect Your Business Did you notice a slight change in your Facebook page recently? Facebook officially announced new improvements to Facebook to better help users and local businesses connect. Your page is more mobile friendly,...
by fidelis | May 12, 2018 | Reputation Marketing, SEO, Uncategorized
Search Engine Optimization is Like a College Degree It’s Useless By Itself This Isn’t Your Grandpa’s World If you ask your grandparents they’ll say when they were younger, a college degree was good enough. I went to college on that advice, only to find...
by fidelis | May 8, 2018 | Content Marketing, Online marketing, Reputation Marketing, Review Management, Uncategorized
This One Time On A Bus A friend of mine told a story once that describes the importance of how local businesses can best be helped by reviews. In his own words words, “The year I graduated from high school, my family decided to take a trip back east. One of the...
by fidelis | May 4, 2018 | Online marketing, Reputation Management, Reputation Marketing, SEO, Uncategorized
Getting customers to leave reviews shouldn’t be hard, but sometimes it seems that no matter how hard you try you just aren’t getting any. You go above and beyond expectations, making good on every promise you made and more, but the customer just walks away...
by fidelis | Apr 30, 2018 | Online marketing, Reputation Management, Reputation Marketing
If you don’t have an online reputation management program, you have a problem. If you don’t have online reviews, then the problem is even worse. Let’s take a look at 3 reasons why not obtaining local reviews as a local business is a problem, what kind of...
by fidelis | Apr 26, 2018 | Advanced SEO Techniques, SEO, Website Optimization
I’m always surprised that not many people realize just how different the way we speak and the way we write are. Within the brain, there are different processes for how we receive, interpret, and understand information presented to us depending on whether we hear it...
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