by voiceofgan | Feb 1, 2025 | Advanced SEO Techniques, Marketing Automation, Online marketing, Reputation Marketing, Review Management, SEO
The Power of the Internet and What It Can Do For Your Local Business You may have noticed this, but everybody is still using the internet. They use it for just about everything in fact, from finding restaurants, to ordering products, to screaming into the void about...
by voiceofgan | Mar 12, 2024 | Business advice, Online marketing, Reputation Management, Reputation Marketing
3 Reasons to Focus on Your Customer Relationship Process Over Advertising When businesses start to see significant income from sales, they start to wonder how they can use that to improve the business further. After all, you have to spend money to make money, right?...
by voiceofgan | Jan 31, 2024 | Business advice, Online marketing, SEO
Even Blue Collar Businesses Benefit from Online Marketing Everybody has a computer these days. Even my 90-year-old grandpa uses one. You can expect most people to not only have a computer, but know how to use it, and use it for just about everything they can. This...
by fidelis | Apr 7, 2020 | Business advice, Online marketing
The Covid-19 pandemic is affecting businesses everywhere. Even in places where stay-at-home orders and quarantine measures haven’t been implemented, people just aren’t going out. Nobody wants to go where there might be a crowd. This is making it hard for many...
by fidelis | Feb 10, 2020 | Advanced SEO Techniques, Internet Marketing News, Online marketing, SEO
What Do They Mean For Search Rankings? Recently, Google tweeted that they’ve changed how their Featured Snippets work in their search engines. Today, we’re going to go over what featured snippets are, how this change affects rankings, and what this means for your...
by fidelis | Jan 10, 2020 | Blogging, Online marketing, Review Management, SEO
3 Less Known Marketing Strategies Local Businesses Can Profit From Without Losing an Arm or a Leg Every business has its expenses. If you want to make money, you have to spend money. That’s no reason why the cost should be too high, though. The internet provides...
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