Claiming a business citation is one thing, citations optimized will help your business stand out.
Why Business Must Optimize Citations
Missing or incorrect information leads to many potential missed customers. Over time, these missed customers can mean a lot of potential profits that could have been had. Another benefit of properly optimized citations is the favor given to them by search engines. Here are three important reasons why citations optimization is so important.
Increases Chances of Ranking Well in Search Engines:
It is incredibly important to ensure all the citations of your business contain the same information. In some aspects of SEO, repeated information could be seen as something to avoid. However, citations are all about keeping everything down to the spelling of your business completely identical.
For example, abbreviations can cause citations to become incorrect. If a business is located on 1234 Elm Street N and their listing was hastily typed to read as 1234 Elm St your listing may redirect to another location. In addition, if your business is located at Suite #803, it should read that exact way, no st. 803 or suite 803, it must be identical. Bots that are used to read these listing can spit out incorrect information if even one listing is altered from the other that a business uses.
Optimized Citations Ensures People Have Correct Business Information:
If a listing only features bare bones information, certain listings will automatically add information. More often than not, the automatically added information doesn’t accurately reflect the business. In addition, it is imperative that you check where your business is currently listed. Search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing are the most common sources of citations.
If a business has updated their information recently then their listing may contain that old and automatically added business information. It is common for old phone numbers to be ringing off the hook, only to find that they have the wrong number. Missing or incorrect information could literally make your business invisible to search engine users. Citations optimization services ensure that any potential customer knows exactly how to contact your business, whether it be by phone or walk-in.
It’s Opportunity to Highlight Your Business:
Some business owners may see citation creation as a bit of a pain but they shouldn’t. You should always think of citations as a way to highlight everything you want customers to know about your business. Use this opportunity to add pictures, video, descriptions, and categories that describe your business.
In addition, search engines love citations that are optimized and filled out in the fullest manner possible. Properly created citations could very well see a beneficial ranking position when compared to bare bones listings. Reviews are another great example of ways to increase your citation rankings in local searches. Of course, you don’t want to solicit for reviews. The more reviews that a listing has, which are hopefully positive, help to increase its ranking position.
In Summary
There are many benefits associated with optimizing citations. Properly setup citations ensure a search engine bot or customer never misses out on your business. Use citations as ways to highlight your business.
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